Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Seedlings Planted

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDOC) seedlings arrived and they were planted April 15. Preparation work included marking the sites with metal flags, clearing the site of debris and adjacent growth, digging holes with a tree spade, preparing water cans, obtaining spikes (to hold the cans), bamboo poles and flag material. 1/2 of the wild plums were planted south of the river, east of the bridge, the other 1/2 were planted north of the river. The blackberries were planted south of the river, east of the bridge. The False Indigo was planted along the stream bank on the north side of the river, east of the bridge. The Aromatic Sumac was planted along the south bank of the entryway. The Rough leaf Dogwoods were planted in various spots around the tract, under canopy of the existing trees. Here are photographs (click for enlargement) of the seedlings planted. [Top to bottom: Aromatic Sumac along south bank of entryway; Wild plum and False Indigo along riverbank, north side of river; Wild plum and blackberries south of river, east of bridge]

Update: April 22 (1 week after planting)
Wild plums - no buds/leafs
Blackberries - leaf exposed
Rough Leaf Dogwood - leaf exposed
Aromatic Sumac - leaf exposed
False Indigo - leaf buds evident

Update: April 28 (2 weeks after planting)
Wild plums - leaf exposed
Blackberries - leaf exposed
Rough Leaf Dogwood - leaf exposed
Aromatic Sumac - leaf exposed
False Indigo - leaf exposed