Saturday, July 28, 2007

More Colorful Sites

This is a collection of flowers, wildlife and other things that have been observed on the La Russell Access site (along Spring River). I hope that you enjoy them as much as the Stream Team members have.

You may want to visit the Missouri Flora webpage for additional information about these plants. (click on photographs for close up)

Silphium perfoliatum, blooming late July

Solidago altissima, Goldenrod, blooming late July

Rudbeckia triloba, blooming late July

Hibiscus lasiocarpos, blooming late July

Convolvulus sepium, blooming late July

Cirsium vulgare, Thistle, blooming late July

Desmodium nudiflorum,blooming early August

Solanum carolinense, blooming early August

Verbesina alternifolia, blooming mid-August.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Deputy Birch, with Jasper County Sheriff's Office, helped the Stream Team identify things that we can do to STOP VANDALISM. Some of the suggestions were:
1. Reporting license plates of people vandalizing
2. Trash cans
3. Curfew
4. Call Sheriff's Department 417-359-9100
5. More boulders or cabling to limit off-road activities
6. Set Good examples
7. Distribute Stream Team liter bags
8. Talking about it
9. Classroom presentations
10. Stream Team Watch Program
11. Signage: WE REPORT VANDALISM - Stream Team #2945
12. Cameras

Stream Team Meeting July 24 @ 7:30pm

Stream Team #2945 met Tuesday, July 24 @ 7:30 pm. to discuss issues at the La Russell Access Point, as well as make plans for the future. Topics covered included E.coli bacteria testing, the new USGS water gauge equipment, vandalism, improvements that would enhance the site, as well as Stream Team projects in the future. Special guests included the Mayor of La Russell and a Deputy with Jasper County Sheriff's Office. We had 17 members attend and added 3 new Stream Team members.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Escherichia coli (E. coli) test results by Jasper County Health Department

The following are the results of weekly water quality testing by Jasper County Health Department at the La Russell Access point (referred to as Site SR1). Specifically, these are the number of Escherichia coli colonies per 100 milliliters of river water. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had determined that swimming and body contact is NOT recommended when the sample exceeds 235 E. coli colonies per 100 ml. The samples above the 235 threshold, are in bold.

10/19/2007, 77.6
09/25/2007, 83.9
09/19/2007, 131.4
09/11/2007, 387.3
09/05/2007, 325.5
08/29/2007, 158.5
08/21/2007, 2,419.6+
08/14/2007, 75.9
08/07/2007, 64.3
07/31/2007, 82.3
07/24/2007, 101.4
07/17/2007, 172.3
07/10/2007, 1,986.3
07/02/2007, 1,046.2
06/26/2007, 816.4
06/19/2007, 290.9
06/13/2007, 870.4
06/05/2007, 517.2
05/30/2007, 107.1
05/24/2007, 114.5

For further information, contact:
Jasper County Health Department
105 Lincoln
Carthage, MO 64836
417/358-0494 (fax) (e-mail)
877-879-9131 (toll free)
8:30 - 4:30 (hours)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Vandalism - Why do people do it?

Vandalism, it is happening again. Today we discovered that pickup trucks had run over seedlings along the south side of the ramp, and 4-wheelers had been running along the stream bank, disrupting the river bank. In addition, we found seven watering cans that had been stomped with a shoe or boot. (Click on photographs for close up of damage)

There was evidence that pick-up trucks were 'mudding' again. They showed complete disregard for the new seedlings planted on the side of the drive. Seven (7) watering cans had either been run over or stomped on with a shoe or boot. Three (3) seedlings had been run-over by the pickup tires.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

More Rain, More Flooding

More rain, more flooding on Saturday June 30 and Sunday, July 1. On June 30 at 2:30 pm, the river water guage indicated 3.68'. By 6:45 pm on July 1, the water guage level was 11.25'. That is a 7.57' increase in only 28 hours. Once again, all of the newly planted seedlings were under water.