Colorful sites at LaRussell Access Point
This is a collection of flowers, wildlife and other things that have been observed on the La Russell Access site (along Spring River). I hope that you enjoy them as much as the Stream Team members have.
You may want to visit the Missouri Flora webpage for additional information about these plants. (click on photographs for close up)
Phlox divaricata Wild Blue Phlox, bloomig mid April
Barbarea vulgaris Yellow Rocket, blooming mid April
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum blooming early May
Valerianella radiata blooming early May.
Tradescantia virginiana blooming mid May.
Medicago lupulina blooming mid May.
Mirabilis nyctaginea blooming mid May.
Anthemis arvensis blooming mid May
Ruellia pedunculata, blooming late May
Trifolium pratense, blooming late May
Coronilla varia, blooming late May
Erigeron annuus, blooms late may