Update on Seedings
Friday morning, June 22, 2007, we had a chance to survey the site, following the June 10-11 flood. The water gage level was 3.13'. We spent the morning cleaning debris from the seedlings and the stakes, adjacent to them. Curiously, we lost only two (2) watering cans. The 6" spike in the bottom of the can, either holds them in place, or gets caught up in nearby brush, and prevents the can from washing downstream. We did spend quite a bit of time cleaning 2"-3" of mud out of each can. Based on their location, some of the seedlings were underwater for eleven days, some for 2 days and others only 24 hours. We straightened several of the seedlings, and tied them to stakes. There was only one (1) seedling underwater for 11 days that looked like it didn't make it, but we're optimistic.