Saturday, October 27, 2007

Fall Stream Team Meeting

La Russell Steam Team #2945 members gathered to celebrate 2007 successes and begin planning for 2008 projects today. Special Guests included the Southwest Regional AmeriCorps Stream Team Assistant and two Jasper County Missouri Department of Conservation Agents.

We discussed opportunities to introduce local elementary, intermediate and high school students to the Stream Team program. The Biology teacher at Sarcoxie High School has expressed an interest in integrating water quality testing into next years' biology curriculum. Another suggestion was inviting the Sarcoxie High School Student Council to designate the La Russell Access Point as their 2008 community service project.

The schedule for liter pickup along with prioritization of 2008 Team Projects was completed. The AmeriCorps Stream Team Assistant complimented the Team for their accomplishments and encouraged them to get an early start on the 2008 macro invertebrate survey. The Conservation Agents took the opportunity to meet all the team members and gave us instructions for reporting vandalism and violations.

Projects for 2008 include: establishing a designated native (wild flowers) area, cleaning up graffiti, cleaning up the 'old old' dump area, constructing a bacteria level advisory sign (for swimmers), and setting up a booth at the 2008 La Russell community picnic.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Signage, will it help stop vandalism?

It is too bad that signs are necessary, they detract from the natural beauty of the site. However, due to the vandalism that has occured, the Jasper County Sheriff Department has suggested posting the regulations, so that apprehension and prosecution will be more successful.
1. Area closed 10:00 pm to 4:00 am.
2. Vehicles on graveled areas only.
3. All ATV vehicles are prohibited.
4. Please remove your litter.
5. Regulations prohibit camping overnight and open fires.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Welcome to La Russell Access Point

Members of Stream Team #2945 and Missouri Department of Conservation Staff are excited about the new signage on the site. We hope that the new signs will make it easier for visitors to locate the access point. There is a new bulletin board adjacent to the access point that the Stream Team will use for posting bacteria levels.

Strategic Partnerships

The success of any organization is based on the strength, commitment and enthusiasm of its members (partners). Stream Team #2945 members met with Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) staff today for the purpose of evaluating and measuring progress on the Access Site and planning for the future. MDC staff from Jefferson City, Springfield and Neosho attended. It was an opportunity to open new lines of communication, share ideas, and celebrate in our success. Topics of interest to everyone, included improvements to the access point, eliminating vandalism, and encouraging more involvement from citizens of all ages. We are so lucky to have a MDC Access Point on Spring River that is so accessible and so beautiful.

We identified projects that Stream Team #2945 can work on. MDC also identified projects that they would do. Working together, we can accomplish a lot more than any one of us can by ourselves. Please take time to visit La Russell Access Point on Spring River. While you are there, please help us eliminate vandalism, by reporting it.

Call the Jasper County Sheriff's Department at 417-359-9100 to report suspicious or unlawful activity, curfew violations and vandalism. The Missouri Department of Conservation also has a HotLine to report illegal activity, 1-800-392-1111 which is manned 24 hours a day. You may remain anonymous, and you may ask to be considered for a reward if you wish. When you call, you will be asked simple questions, the answers to which will be vital to the investigation. Here are a few things to remember when you witness a suspected violation.
* Nature of suspected illegal activity
* Date and time of violation
* The suspect’s identity, if possible
* Description of the suspects and vehicles

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Is This Vandalism?

We found this at the "Access Point" this morning. Is this vandalism? Dumping your aquarium fish and gravel in the river is just that, dumping. It is also how invasive, non-native aquatic species are introduced. Who knows what was dumped...turtles, snakes, lizards, aggressive or diseased fish? Chances are that they do not have natural predators in Spring River.
Spring River is not a landfill or dump. Please do not dump your trash in the river. It is vandalism. Here is a link to an excellent article in the Missouri Conservationist magazine about dumping, Don't Dump That Bait. The article warns against bait bucket and acquarium dumping. Missouri prohibits importing, exporting or liberating fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals or any other form of wildlife unless specifically authorized by the Wildlife Code.