Saturday, March 21, 2009

25 Witch Hazel seedings planted

La Russell Stream Team #2945 members planted 25 Witch Hazel seedlings this morning, along the south side of the entrance embankment and just south of the river. 48" cane poles were used for flagging, as well as 2-gallon cans for watering. A tree spade was used to create the hole, and back filled with 40 lbs. topsoil from Lowes. A second hold was dug to put the cane pole, then that hole was backfield with a sand-gravel mixture. [double click on photo to get close-up]

We checked the status of the seedling planted 2 years ago:
Blackberries - swollen buds
Wild Plums - (small) green leaves, 4 with flower buds
Aromatic Sumac - yellow blooms
False Indigo - nothing
River Willow - nothing
Roughleaf Dogwod - (small) green leaves.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Water Chemistry Survey #4

We completed Water Chemistry Survey #4. Today the air temperature was 15.5 C, water temperature was 11.5 C, Dissolved O2 was 13, indicating a 95% O2 saturation, the pH reading was 8.8, Nitrate was 4, conductivity was 390, and turbidity was 10.

We planted 10 cuttings from an adjacent river willow, in collaboration with the Missouri Department of Conservaton forester, in an attempt to stabilize the bank at the actual Access Point. [click on photographs for close-up view]We checked all seedlings that were planted April 15, 2007. Only the aromatic sumac was in bloom.