31st Annual La Russell - Bowers Mill Reunion
This Blog is a chronology of Missouri Stream Team No. 2945's project, the adoption of the Spring River LaRussell access point in eastern Jasper County, Missouri.
La Russell Stream Team #2945 members completed Water Chemistry Survey #15, Monday, 09/05//2011, 3:00 pm. It was a beautiful afternoon, no clouds and sunny. Here are the results:
The La Russell Stream Team No. 2945 has been invited to participate in the 31st annual La Russell-Bower's Mill Picnic, on Sunday, September 11th, beginning at 1:00 pm. We will be demonstrating the role Rain Gardens play for improving water quality, Watershed Awareness, as well as providing 2011 historical information on bacteria and water chemistry data. Wear your Stream Team t-shirts and help out at our display.