Sunday, September 11, 2011

31st Annual La Russell - Bowers Mill Reunion

The La Russell Stream Team #2945 was invited to participate in the 31st Annual La Russell Bowers Mill Reunion. The weather was beautiful for the 100+ guests that attended the event. We appreciate the Southwest Ozarks Stream Teams Association (SWOST) sharing their banner for the event. [click on picture for close-up]

This year we demonstrated the benefits of building rain gardens. Thanks to our friends with Missouri Department of Conservation, we provided excellent hand-outs which described techniques for building rain gardens and a guide for selecting native Missouri plants.

A popular exhibit this year was creating awareness by using an (interactive) watershed map and encouraging reunion guests to locate their homes with colorful stick pins.

The litter exhibit created the most conversation...mostly of disgust, embarassment and disappointment.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Water Chemistry #15

La Russell Stream Team #2945 members completed Water Chemistry Survey #15, Monday, 09/05//2011, 3:00 pm. It was a beautiful afternoon, no clouds and sunny. Here are the results:
Air Temperature, 23C (73.4F)
Water Temperature, 22C (71.6F)
pH, 8.9 (3-samples)
Conductivity 430 (average 4-samples)
Turbidity, 15
Dissolved Oxygen 14
Oxygen Saturation 160%
Nitrate, 4.0 (1-samples)
The river depth was 1.36' and the current was 57 cfs, reported by USGS.

Friday, September 02, 2011

La Russell-Bower's Mill 31st Annual Reunion

The La Russell Stream Team No. 2945 has been invited to participate in the 31st annual La Russell-Bower's Mill Picnic, on Sunday, September 11th, beginning at 1:00 pm. We will be demonstrating the role Rain Gardens play for improving water quality, Watershed Awareness, as well as providing 2011 historical information on bacteria and water chemistry data. Wear your Stream Team t-shirts and help out at our display.